Courses Offered by Semester

Fall 2024

CRN Course Name
CDT 20100 18236 ID: Rapid Visualization
CDT 20101 18482 VCD 1: Fundamentals of Design
CDT 20110 14624 DESN Matters:Intro, DESN Think
CDT 20510 14100 Science, Technology & Society
CDT 20710


Code in Context
CDT 21700 19497
Intro Text Analytics- Python
CDT 27702 21012
Placing History
CDT 30010 13225 Elements of Computing I
CDT 30030 13998 Tech as a Profession
CDT 30130 15934
A UX Intro for ID
CDT 30135 15870 Typography
CDT 30300 19791 Baseball in America
CDT 30305 18316 Decolonizing Gaming
CDT 30425 20927 La Telenovela
CDT 30510 14101 Intro to Cog Neuroscience
CDT 30540 15144 Cognitive Psychology
CDT 30614 18310 Auditing AI: An Introduction
CDT 30630 18475 Real Estate Disruption
CDT 30680 17273 Digital Transformation in Higher Education
CDT 30709 18240 Digital Solid Modeling
CDT 30720 18233 Digital Empires
CDT 30728 18476 Video Art Production
CDT 30750 18051
Generative AI in the Wild
CDT 31125 18238 VCD 6: Motion Design
CDT 31140 15060 Human Computer Interaction
CDT 31420 13058
Photography I
CDT 31425 15880 Photography II: Digital Wrkshp
CDT 37110 16753 Spec. Proj.: UI/UE
CDT 37200 15102 Spec Proj: Tech Dev in Cyb Sec
CDT 37300 15131 Spec Proj in Cybercrime & Law
CDT 37300 15559 Spec Proj in Cybercrime & Law
CDT 37410 13812 Spec. Proj.: Dgtl Arts & Human
CDT 37610 15931 Spec. Proj.: Tech Dev & Mgmt
CDT 40200 12996 Privacy and Security
CDT 40220 13390
Cybercrime and the Law
CDT 40430 16550 Tech Concepts of Visual FX
CDT 40610 13226 Case Stud. - Comp-Based Entrep
CDT 40630 13514 Ethical & Professional Issues
CDT 40712 20424
Surviving Digital Apocalypse
CDT 70220 14654 Cybercrime and the Law

Spring 2024

CRN Course Name
CDT 10200 32417
Digital Deviance: The Psychology of Tech-Facilitated Offenders
CDT 20101 25709
Visual Communication Design 1: Fundamentals of Design
CDT 20102 33010 Games and Simulations for Learning
CDT 20110 25223
Design Matters: Introduction to Design Thinking
CDT 20706 29450 The Archeology of Hacking
CDT 21102 26241 VCD Software Tutorial
CDT 30010 25816 Elements of Computing I
CDT 30020 23570 Elements of Computing II
CDT 30030 24463 Tech as a Profession
CDT 30110 23571 VCD 3: Digital Media Design
CDT 30120 25681 Design Research Practices
CDT 30135 29194 Visual Communication Design 2
CDT 30140 29268 Human Computer Interaction
CDT 30200 25354 Privacy and Security
CDT 30305 27084 Decolonizing Gaming: Critical Engagment Through Design and Play
CDT 30385 32508 Data Feminism
CDT 30425 26756 La Telenovela
CDT 30510 25817 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
CDT 30540 29271 Cognitive Psychology
CDT 30550 25824 Learning and Memory
CDT 30610 32549 The Digital Economy- The economics of "Big Tech"
CDT 30614 32624 Auditing AI: An Introduction
CDT 30709 28001 Digital Modeling: 3D Form and Fabrication
CDT 30729 33009 Video Art Installation
CDT 30750 31521
Generative AI in the Wild
CDT 30797 32625 Internet Ethics
CDT 31130 25933 Visual Communication Design 7: Interaction design of device user interfaces
CDT 31150 24464
Programming for Video Game Development
CDT 31420 23572
Photography I
CDT 33698 29486 AI for Good
CDT 40120 25215 VCD 10: Visualization of Data
CDT 40177 29267 Advanced VFX
CDT 40205 24704 Computer Security
CDT 40401 32546 Digital Peacebuilding and Peace Technology
CDT 40408 26942 Theories of Media and Technology
CDT 40630 23522 Ethical and Professional Issues
CDT 40631 32544
Cloud Computing
CDT 40700 28004 Visual Communication Design 8: Social Design
CDT 40701 28005 Service Design: Strategies for Social Systems
CDT 40711 29466 Future of Labor
CDT 42216 32738 Applied Technology Investigative Techniques


We utilize the Novo Waitlist procedure, which can be found here.