Digital Humanities Research Group Meeting


Location: O'Shaughnessy 339

The semester's first meeting of my digital humanities research group will take place this Friday (9/11) afternoon from 3:00 - 4:00 pm in O'Shaughnessy 339.

We'll review the status of current projects, brainstorm new ideas, celebrate recent publications, and plan (some of) the semester's work. If you're interested in the digital humanities and/or want to be involved in an active research group -- or if you're just curious about any of this -- I hope you'll be able to make it.

Pizza and beverages provided. All are welcome; if you know of anyone who might be interested, especially outside the English department, please do forward this message or extend a personal invitation. There's a lot going on and there are opportunities for involvement at a bunch of different levels, both technical and professional.

Hope to see you on Friday afternoon,

Prof. Matt Wilkins