"The Earth's Climate, a Computer Model, and a Data Scientist" by Douglas Nychka


Location: 105 Jordan Hall of Science (View on map )

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Douglas Nychka, Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Colorado School of Mines, will give a Lynch Lecture Series titled,“The Earth’s Climate, a Computer Model, and a Data Scientist” at 4:15 PM in 105 Jordan Hall.

How hot will summers be in South Bend 50 years from now? Will there be enough rainfall for agriculture? Will the Arctic be navigable for shipping? These are questions about climate in our future. Nychka will describe creations called Earth system models, explain how statistical science has a role to play in their interpretation, and discuss what they tell us about future climate for South Bend.

A reception precedes the seminar at 3:45 pm in the Jordan Hall Galleria.

John A. Lynch Lecture Series sponsored by the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics

Lynch Lecture Series Flyer

Originally published at energy.nd.edu.