Love Data Week 2024: Bringing Order to Qualitative Madness with ATLAS.ti


Location: 220 Hesburgh Library, Collaboration Hub


If you're in the middle of a qualitative research project, you're probably juggling dozens of documents that need to be coded. Interview transcripts, focus group transcripts, digitized text — whatever your source material is, you could use a system for organizing and coding it all. This is where ATLAS.ti comes in!

At this workshop, you will learn how to use ATLAS.ti to bring order to the chaos of your qualitative research project.

This workshop is designed for beginners.

Related LibGuide: Qualitative Research by Julie Vecchio

In the event of inclement weather, presenters will email registrants to either send a Zoom link for a virtual session or confirm that the session has been canceled.

Open to undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff.

View all events in this series.